Saturday, January 1, 2011


The Most Fortunate One: Bhagava

The Supreme Buddha is known as 'Bhagava' because He is fortunate to have all his great qualities. These qualities can only be seen in a Buddha. These qualities are summarized in the stanza that the Buddhists use to worship the Supreme Buddha. These qualities are summarized as follows with a brief description:

Arahan: The Supreme Buddha eradicated all the defilements.

Samma Sambuddha: The Supreme Buddha realized the Four Noble Truths without any guidance of any teacher.

Vijjacharanha Sampanno: The Supreme Buddha lived with various wisdoms and sciences. This tremendous knowledge consents to His behavior/actions.

Sugato: The Supreme Buddha found the Noble Eightfold Path and attained the Nibbana.

Lokavidu: The Supreme Buddha realized the true nature of all the worlds (Brahma, Divine, Human, and Four Hell worlds). He also freed from all these worlds by the attainment of Nibbana.

Anuttaro Purisdammasarathi: The Supreme Buddha had the talent to tame rebellious beings and directed them to Nibbana.

Sattha Devamanussanan: The Supreme Buddha was the only teacher who showed all deities and humans the the path to Nibbana (the Noble Eightfold Path).

Buddho: The Supreme Buddha taught the Four Noble Truths to others well.

Bhagava: The Supreme Buddha was fortunate to have all these great qualities.

Remember why the Supreme Buddha is called with these different names. Be pleased about our teahcer's great qualities. Be happy about to have such a tremendous person as our teacher.
May all be well and happy!